Monday, July 7, 2014

10 Orkut Idiosyncrasies That Will Push You Into A State Of Nostalgic Ecstasy

So Google has decided to kill Orkut, the ‘original seed’ of the social networking game, the game changer that got people actually addicted to social media and the ruler of the internet until Facebook brutally murdered and usurped the throne, so this one’s for Orkut and all the happy times we had.

1. You could see who has visited your profile and thus be up to date on your list of people who might have a liking for you or are stalking you. Plus the ‘today’s fortune’ was a cute little add on.

2. When all those names on Orkut turned into incomprehensible ancient alien fonts and it was still cool.

3. And everyone was busy filling their virtual scrapbooks and exchanging scraps was the ‘in’ thing to do.

4. Until someone turned over-creative and ruined it for everyone by creating these.

5. The number of testimonials you posted for your friend was directly proportional to your friendship, even those corny and cheesy ones everyone was copying from
testimonialsImage Source

and this one, which is in pink. 

6. When people started writing mile-long profile descriptions and believed that others are actually reading them.
reading them

Wait , there’s more.
reading them 2

7. When everyone made alternate ids with funny pseudonyms and tried chatting with their friends.

8. And also used Orkut on mobile with a 1G GPRS connection.

9. But ungratefully switched To Facebook when you saw all the cool kids doing it.

10. But change is inevitable and  nothing in the world is permanent, but Orkut had a pretty good run and will be remembered for all the good reasons, Goodbye Old Friend.

Source from ORKUT

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