Thursday, July 10, 2014

17 Things You Do While Going Through A Break Up

Break-ups are hard to bear with and we will do anything in our power just to get over and heal that hole in your heart that was left by that other person and most of us who have gone through a break-up resort to desperate acts to get over that one person who once meant the life to you. Here are some of the things we try and do while dealing with a break up.

1. Drown yourself in a flood of alcohol and spending teary nights thinking and ranting about your partner.
flood of alcohol

2. And wake-up with a bad hangover slowly recalling the fact that you drunk-dialed your ex last night and rained a hailstorm of verbal abuse.
bad hangover

3. Then you deal with self-loathing and try to reason with yourself if you owe your ex an apology or not.

4. You stalk them on all forms of social networking and instant messaging  platforms.
social networking

5. And break into tears or fits of anger when they post a picture of theirs with a person of the opposite sex.
break into tears

6. And bring them up randomly when you’re with friends, no matter what the ongoing conversation is about and when they point it out, you’ll be all “whatever”.

7. You browse through the gallery, looking at pictures and reminiscing the happier times and end up deleting them but deep inside you know they are still there on your cloud storage.
cloud storage

8. Sleep eludes you and  you start hating all those romantic movies you watched together and once loved.
Sleep eludes
 9. You turn against the whole concept of love and try to preach your friends the same after 7 shots tequila.
shots tequila

10. All emotional songs for the lovelorn seem like they have been tailor-made just for you.  And Pharell Williams “Happy” irritates you to the core.
Pharell Williams

11. You try and get your friends approval on how your ex wasn’t the right person for you and how you were mistreated and your friends be like.
that bitch
or dog (it’s just that I couldn’t find a gif, not sexist)

12. Suddenly, you start finding solace in the arms of chocolate or anything that you can eat and tickles your palette.
eat and tickles

13. You’ll pretend that you’re fine with everything and you’ve gotten over your ex but who are you kidding.
You’ll pretend

14. You’ll have to go through numerous interventions and life coaching sessions from your friends as they are the only ones who can put your life back on track.
pull yourself together

15. And you’ll send that last text or make that last call that would literally be “the last one”.
send that last text

16. It would seem impossible at first, then it becomes hard and then probable but in the end you’ll get over them and move on with your life understanding that you can’t control other people’s emotions and  the greatest act of love is letting go. 
people’s emotions

17. And eventually, a time will come when you’ll start re-loving  the “Happy Song”.
Happy Song

Source from Giphy & Google

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