Monday, July 7, 2014

10 things That Are Normal To Happen In Hindi Movies But Are Light Years Away From Reality

is one’s to our fancy old Bollywood and the totally unreal situations it projects.

1. Dancing in sub-zero temperatures where the actor is fully clothed but the actress is dressed as minimally as possible seems a bit , ummm… how to we put it delicately, let’s go with stupid.

2. While a power outage in real life turns into mosquito infested sweaty affair , bollywood has the power turn power outages into such romantic settings that may inspire you to uninstall all the electric light fittings in your house.(Seriously! Who keeps so many fancy candles in the house?)

3. When it comes to physics and its laws , literally no fucks are given by Indian Movie makers, the rules of conventional physics, biology and chemistry do not work in the magical realm of Bollywood.

4. Neither does logic.

5. Those glistening , resplendent , drool inducing  bodies achieved by extensivecomputer graphics and camera angles work outs.
6. While the good guy always wins in reel, the poor lad always gets kicked in the teeth when it comes to reality. And doesn’t look anywhere close to this.

7. And random strangers walking on the street suddenly start dancing in perfect synchronization with you for no reason at all, bollywood is such a happy place.

8. Mornings 
(a) while mornings in movies are so perfect that you wake up like this.

(b) meanwhile in reality.

9. And all those dialogues , some of them can really get your ass kicked for real. Like seriously!

10. But even after all the ludicrousities of the Indian cinema , we are and would always be hopelessly in love with them and keep envisaging ourselves in the alternate reality that the industry has to offer.

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