Thursday, July 3, 2014

11 Things that Prove You Had A Troubled Relationship With Mathematics

Mathematics, there is scientific evidence to prove the fact that almost 2/3rd of the students are petrified of the subject and the remaining are slaves to it. If your knees started to tremble with a single utterance of the word “Math”, then this is for you.

1. You enter into the realm of the deepest slumber just seconds after you opened your Math textbook.

2. That awesome feeling you get after solving a really complex problem without any help. Yeah, you’ve never experienced it.

3. Your Maths teacher always looked down upon you and treated you like the runt of the litter.

4. You have nightmares where you envisage Math as Dementors, which is here to suck all the happiness out of your life.

5. You went into camouflage mode every time the teacher looked for someone to solve the problem on board. 

6. Every time in class when a new topic was introduced, this was your reaction.
  Math was always on the top of your procrastination list.

8. And that was the sole reason you went into trauma on the night of your final exam.

9. And even made desperate attempts on mugging.Seriously? Math?

10. But even after such industrious efforts you were the first to come out of the exam hall.

11. Surprisingly, you got through and that was the day you parted ways with Mathematics and swore never to meet again. 

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