Sunday, July 13, 2014

10 Facts About South Indians That The Rest Of The Country Has Got All Wrong

Judgment is in the very nature of humans, we can just speak or write volumes against it but the fact is that we really can’t change our primordial nature. In India, where Southern India is considered a whole different province, certain stereotypes have sprouted and rooted deep about the area amongst countrymen which are nothing but plain gibberish.

1. Every South Indian is not a Madrasi, Madras(obsolete), now known as Chennai, is a city, how can someone in their sane mind think that the whole of South India lives in a single city.
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2. Neither do each one of them enjoy letting the sambhar flow and lick it from their elbows.
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3. They don’t speak “Ongda- Pondga”, how difficult is it to comprehend that? Different states have corresponding languages, as a land of vast cultural diversity we should be proud and respectful towards each other’s ethnicity.
Ongda PondgaImage Source

4. No, they can’t understand all the South Indian songs so when you ask a Tamilian “What does it mean ?” when you stumble upon a Malayalam channel dictates the same logic as asking a Punjabi to understand Gujrati.
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5. Rice is the staple food of the area but that doesn’t mean they have Idli- Dosa all the time. Do North-Indians have samosas whole day long?
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6.Not everyone from South-India is conservative; in fact I have met some who are the masters of debauchery.
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7. Not every South-Indian is dark complexioned and what if they are, and we are not a country that practices or endorses apartheid. Unity in Diversity, remember?
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8. Not everyone there knows Bharatnatyam. If that’s true then logic makes you a trained Garbha dancer ?
Garbha dancerImage Source

9. They don’t all eat in Banana leaves all the time, and they aren’t being anything but resourceful.
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10. And they aren’t all rude and uptight, the fact is you have to give love to receive it, it’s not even about North or South, be it any country in the world when love comes into play, nothing can stand as a barrier.
united we stand
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