Monday, July 7, 2014

10 Things You Take For Granted In College That You Later Miss In Your Life

1. Enjoy staying around the bunch of your best pals.
Unlike those old days when all you had to do was walk down the hall in your college-dorm to enjoy the company of your best friends, now you need to travel from one city to another to meet them.

2. A friend you all can laugh at.
This used to be the best part. Having a common friend you all can make fun of – in a good way – and get all the fun you can have in this world.

3. Go to Gym whenever you want.
So you used to work out daily when in college, what happened now? You are working mate. Now you have pretty much two options, get up early before you leave for work or go after the work when you are already so much exhausted. Neither of those are great options.

4. The royalty of getting money from parents.
Even though you never had enough money while you were in college, you always knew about your backup plan – your dad, or your older sister! But now, since you too are earning – asking for money seems just too unethical.

5. The pleasure of having girls around you all the time.
This is one of the biggest mysteries of the world. Where do the girls go after graduation? As soon as you enter the corporate world, the 50:50 proportions of girls and boys in colleges somehow end up into 80:20, with 20 percent being the girls.
6. Take a day off just because you’re hungover.
Sure you can call in sick if you are working but it’s not as safe as it used to be in college.

7. Stay awake all night long.
Stay awake all night long
This used to be the biggest advantage of graduating college, you could enjoy the night life and sleep all day long during lectures.

8. Watch Daytime TV
Once you graduate from the college the only way to watch daytime TV is on your office laptop using a TV tuner. But if you really want to experience how watching TV really feels like watch it at night when you get home from work. And that’s just not right!

9. Student Discounts.
Enjoy getting all the discounts you can get being a student because the next discount you’re ever going to get in your life is the Senior Citizen Discount.

10. And the hard truth.
Back then you used to worry what’re you going to do after college. And now when you have actually started doing something, you wonder why you are doing this. And life keeps moving.

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