Monday, July 7, 2014

17 things that almost every Student has experienced in the Examination Hall

Examination halls might be like concentration camps for the mind and all of us have gone through that session of unbearable trauma but every exam is composed of a series of unfortunate events that almost every student experiences at least once in life, I here, have tried to sew it all together. So, here we go!

You always enter 5 minutes later than the scheduled time.

The invigilator looks at as you’ve molested his/her daughter.

Disappointment thus dawns upon you when you observe there are just two cute individuals of the opposite sex.

Being a pseudo-atheist, this is the only time you pray to God, you hypocrite.

The question paper is the metaphorical equivalent of a snake-pit that you’re afraid to peruse.

An instant face-palm moment occurs after you observe that almost all the questions have come from the last chapter you deemed unworthy of your attention.

That moment of relief when your classmate, sitting adjacent shares the same “Dafuq?”  expression as yours.

The moment of panic and anxiety when someone asks for a B-Sheet while you’ve just finished filling up your essentials.

Then comes the time when you try to sap answers from the walls and ceilings.
And drink water every time it’s being served.

Then you doodle on the area assigned for rough work, playing tic-tac-toe with yourself.

Second face-palm moment when you realize that you can’t reach to those industriously prepared chits discreetly placed inside your socks.

Being devoid of all the hope, you decide to take matters in your own hands and try finishing the paper with the power of your memory.

And abuse your memory the next moment.

You now decide to write whatever you please and finish your exam earlier than everyone despite of starting late.

Handing over the sheet to the invigilator always gets you a fake smile mixed with the expression of constipation.

No matter how your exam went, you come out with a smile on your face and a FTW attitude.

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