Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Things You Should Avoid Doing This Independence Day

With 15th August approaching and many of us being excited about it, it’s imperative that everyone takes the necessary precautions to assure the maximum enjoyment. Here are 8 things you should definitely avoid to make sure your wee, little holiday of 15th August does not end up being too unpleasant for you:

1.  Getting Injured
Because the last place you would want to spend your holiday is a Hospital

2. Getting yourself involved into anything that has to do with the police or the federal law

3. Having to make a run for Alcohol
Make sure you stock up the fridge ahead of 15th August so that you won’t have to run for it on a dry day.

4. Going to Work
For most it’s a day off, but those working in hospitality industry have their worst nightmare on public holidays like this because the place is likely to be overcrowded. So try to get your day off. Prepare yourself beforehand to make a good excuse for calling in sick.

5. Getting Evicted by your landlord
That’s not the kind of freedom you would want to celebrate on the Independence day, or do you?

6. Causing a run-in with the cops
Because this bored face definitely doesn’t want to celebrate the day with you when he could otherwise spend the day making big bucks somewhere else.

7. Travel in Public Transport
Having a need to travel in public transport on 15th August is a nightmare. Because of the low frequency, the only buses you would on that day would either be late or won’t stop at all.

8. Concluding the day behind the bars
…or perhaps needing to be bailed out of the jail.

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