Running a business is so rewarding. It can also be
challenging, particularly when mistakes are made or issues arise and you
feel as though you've hit a brick wall.
Being a sole trader is certainly tough at times. If you're just starting out, you'll find that the first two years of going solo will be the biggest learning experience of your life.
But fear not! I've pulled together the usual pitfalls you might face along the way and have offered the following words of wisdom to help you tackle them...
It's then best to save your quotes on file, so you can refer back to them. When you're completely happy with your final cost, email a formal document to the client. For obvious reasons, we'd recommend creating PDFs for all your quotes. Or why not use something like FreeAgent, which generates nicely designed estimates that you can then convert into invoices if the project goes ahead.
So make sure you start high and never too low. If you think your price is exactly right, then explain to the client that you are unable to charge anything less. Stick to your guns and have faith that those who trust in your skills will hire you for the job.
I heard a great piece of advice recently from an agency owner – work out how long something will take, double it and then quote. The client is likely to reduce your fee but never by half.
Make every client feel like they're the most important person in the world. Remember, people aren't interested in you. People generally love the opportunity to talk about themselves. So ask questions and allow clients to talk as much as they like.
Remember, no one's perfect and it's normal to make mistakes. It is of course how we learn and how we progress. But hopefully, our top tips will help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls of running your own business.
Being a sole trader is certainly tough at times. If you're just starting out, you'll find that the first two years of going solo will be the biggest learning experience of your life.
But fear not! I've pulled together the usual pitfalls you might face along the way and have offered the following words of wisdom to help you tackle them...
Day and hourly rates
Before you do anything else, consider your day and hourly rates. What are others charging in your field? What's your competition offering? Do some research to find out what your rates should be. Remember, large agencies will charge anything between £600-£1,200 per day. They're justified in doing so because of their wealth of staff and higher overheads. You, on the other hand, are a smaller business and should price yourself accordingly.New business
When a potential new client approaches you, listen carefully to their needs and take lots of notes. Do not be pressured into providing a quote on the spot. Explain that you'd like to go away and have a think before offering any costs for your services. This gives you time to properly consider how many hours or days you think the project will take.Writing quotes
When costing up jobs, get your quote right! Add as much detail as possible, explaining exactly what your potential client will get for their money. Add disclaimers and be absolutely clear on what your quote involves. Don't worry about adding too much detail. It'll avoid any future misunderstandings with the client.It's then best to save your quotes on file, so you can refer back to them. When you're completely happy with your final cost, email a formal document to the client. For obvious reasons, we'd recommend creating PDFs for all your quotes. Or why not use something like FreeAgent, which generates nicely designed estimates that you can then convert into invoices if the project goes ahead.
Quote high, not low
When you've quoted for a project or job, eight times out of 10 the client will try to mark you down on price. That's why it's always good to price yourself a little higher. Remember, once you've quoted you can't go back. A client can always haggle and lower your price – it doesn't work the other way round.So make sure you start high and never too low. If you think your price is exactly right, then explain to the client that you are unable to charge anything less. Stick to your guns and have faith that those who trust in your skills will hire you for the job.
I heard a great piece of advice recently from an agency owner – work out how long something will take, double it and then quote. The client is likely to reduce your fee but never by half.
Consider the client
When quoting for any job, think about the client. Are they going to be easy to work with? Do you have a good feeling about them? Do they trust in your skills? Or do you think they might be hard work? A major cause of stress? And perhaps the kind of client who will battle you at every opportunity? If you think a client might place a higher than average demand on your time, simply up your day rate. That way, your budget is covered and it makes the job worthwhile.Smell trouble?
Run for the hills when a potential client starts saying things like "I haven't got much budget for this" or telling you some sort of sob story. Read the warning signs if they're claiming their business is 'suffering' and 'could go under' at any minute. Basically, just go with your gut feeling. If you smell trouble, it's best to walk away.How to walk away with grace
If you don't want to work for someone, you don't have to. Don't feel guilty if it just doesn't feel right. There are many ways in which you can walk away from a potential client with grace. Simply explain that you're working to full capacity and it isn't a project you're able to assist with at this stage. Merely say: "We're not taking on any new business at the moment". The client will go elsewhere and your reputation will remain intact.Desperation is obvious
If you're desperate for work, it'll be obvious whenever you meet potential clients. In fact, they can smell it from 100 miles away and many will try to take advantage of you. Be confident and self-assured that your skills are worthy of your day rate. Stick to your guns and only be flexible on your price when necessary.Don't be naive
During your time as a business owner, you will undoubtedly come across some nasty individuals. Therefore, trust no one and keep your cards close to your chest. People are always going to copy, steal, gossip or – in some cases – try to deliberately damage your reputation. These underhanded tactics will be obvious to those who matter, so don't worry about the strange people out there who feel the need to lower themselves to this level. They merely aren't as good as you and their negativity always trips them up in the end. Concentrate on running your business and doing a good job for your clients. This is what truly counts.Never ever gossip
You might think the business world is vast and huge. It isn't. We all come across each other at some point, so never bitch or gossip about anyone. If someone tries to start involving you in a bitchy conversation, just don't participate. For example, they might say "I don't think much of that marketing company do you?". Reply with something like: "Oh really? I saw their recent work and thought they were brilliant!". Overall, try to change the subject and talk about something else. Remember, negative words will always come back to haunt you. Equally, positive words will bring good karma. You never know where your positivity will spread.Dealing with difficulties
If an issue arises with a client, it's often best to pick up the phone. Sending emails can be a bit of a cop out, plus they're forms of communication that are permanent and impossible to take back. Emails can also be difficult to get across the right tone and can seem impersonal or even create the wrong impression. That's why meeting someone face-to-face or speaking to them on the phone is better. You can certainly lead the conversation in the right direction and deal with the issue more tactfully.Invoicing and payments
Don't forget to send out your invoices on time every month. Then allow 30 days before you start chasing for payment. Personally, I think it's rude to harass any client for money before this 30 day period ends. However, once 30 days have passed you're in your rights to chase. Make sure you keep on top of all your invoicing and retain records for your files. If a client still hasn't paid, post a statement to remind them of the outstanding balance. Only consider further action if it has been three months since you invoiced the client.You're always on show
You represent your own business so always think about how you present yourself – in person, through emails and via any form of communication. Be friendly, personable and open. More importantly, be a chameleon and adapt your personality to suit the business, contact or client that you're dealing with. However, always remain professional and never bring your personal life into the relationship.Your client is important
Nurture your clients and keep the communication channels open. Pick up the phone, arrange meetings and be pro-active. Show them you care. If you get that niggling feeling that you haven't touched-base with a client for some time, it's probably your natural instincts telling you to take action.Make every client feel like they're the most important person in the world. Remember, people aren't interested in you. People generally love the opportunity to talk about themselves. So ask questions and allow clients to talk as much as they like.
Ignore the competition
Your major competitor has just launched a new website and it looks amazing. Another has recently won a wealth of new clients So what! Who cares? Don't stress about the competition! There is plenty of work to go around. Just concentrate your time and effort on growing your own business. Your efforts will pay off, trust me!Negative remarks or tweets
Every now and again, you'll have someone attack you online. That's whether you're on Twitter, Facebook or you have your own blog. Accept that not everyone will like you or what you're doing. In most cases, these people will be your competition and might be jealous of what you're up to. Take this as a fantastic sign! It means you're doing well and are seen as a potential 'threat'. When dealing with negative remarks online, only respond where necessary and don't get involved in any pointless arguments. Sometimes, it's best to leave the immature people to their own devices.Work/life balance
The most important thing of all – keep a balanced life. Don't let work overtake everything. It's really important to enjoy downtime and relax. Try to get into a regular routine, working to normal office hours if you can. Work should be off-limits during evenings and weekends. Your mind and body need time to unwind otherwise you'll only make yourself ill – and where's the fun in that?And finally...
Above all, running a business is one of the best things you can ever do. There is nothing better than being your own boss and being in control of your destiny. It's certainly not easy and there will be times when you want to crawl under your desk and hide from the world. On those days remember that the world is generally a nice place and for every issue or problem you come across, you should pat yourself on the back for overcoming these difficult challenges.Remember, no one's perfect and it's normal to make mistakes. It is of course how we learn and how we progress. But hopefully, our top tips will help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls of running your own business.
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